Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept Durch projectedw

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  • Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept Durch projectedw
  • Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept geschrieben von projectedw

    Hier ist es Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept. Dieses leckere Rezept wird von projectedw geschrieben und kann für 4 Portionen serviert werden.

    Bilder für Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept

    Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept

    Zutaten für 4 Personen
    1200 Gramm Rinderhackfleisch
    250 Gramm Pastrami, dünn geschnitten
    4 Scheiben Schweizer Käse
    2 TL Butter
    4 Stck. Burgerbrötchen
    6 Stck. scharfe Peperoni aus dem Glas
    2 Zehen Knoblauch
    120 ml Senf
    100 ml Weißweinessig
    60 Gramm Zucker
    1 TL Mehl
    0,5 Kopf Chinakohl frisch, dünn geschnitten
    0,5 Zehe Knoblauch, fein gehackt
    0,5 rote Zwiebel, dünn geschnitten
    0,5 Peperoni rot, fein gehackt
    3 TL Champagner Essig
    1 TL Dijon Senf
    2 TL Mayonnaise
    1 TL Zucker
    1,5 TL Salz
    1 TL Worcestersoße
    1 TL ShaSha-Sauce

    ZUBEREITUNG Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept

      ShaSha Sauce
    1. In a food processor, puree the peppers, garlic, mustard and vinegar.
    2. Pour the puree into a nonreactive saucepan, then add the sugar and bring it to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat and simmer the mixture for 30 minutes.
    3. In a small bowl or juice glass, mix the flour and 1/2 cup water to make a smooth paste. Whisk it into the pepper mixture and continue to simmer for 20 minutes, stirring regularly, until it becomes very thick. Let the sauce cool, then pour it into a covered nonreactive container (such as a glass jar). The sauce can be refrigerated for up to 1 month.
    4. Prepare the slaw: In a medium bowl, mix together the cabbage, garlic, onion, jalapeno, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise, sugar, salt, Worcestershire sauce and ShaSha Sauce. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour.
    5. Make the burgers: Build a charcoal fire or heat a gas grill. On a work surface, combine the meats and form the burgers into 4 equal-size patties. Season liberally with salt and pepper.2. Grill the burgers over high heat until medium rare, 3 to 5 minutes per side.
    6. Meanwhile, heat a large saute pan over medium heat. Place 4 heaping piles of pastrami in the pan. After 2 minutes, top each pile with a slice of Swiss cheese. Remove them when the cheese is melted; set aside.
    7. Pour the butter into the pan. Place the buns in the pan, cut-side down, and toast, about 2 minutes.
    8. Place a heaping tablespoonful of the slaw on the bottom half of each bun. Top with a burger and a mound of pastrami and cheese. Cover each with the top half of the bun and serve immediately.

    Fat Doug Burger (by Michael Symon) - Rezept - Rezept Infos

    Schwierigkeitsgrad leicht
    Preiskategorie € €
    veröffentlicht am 09.02.2013
    Angaben pro 100 g
    kJ (kcal) 849 (203)
    Eiweiß 16,0 g
    Kohlenhydrate 5,6 g
    Fett 12,9 g

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